
AutomaticallyswitchesbetweenthedarkandlightthemeofWindows10andWindows11-AutoDarkMode/Windows-Auto-Night-Mode.,Windows10hasaNightLightsettingwhichgentlyreducesthemonitorsblue-tones,givingthescreenawarmerlook.Thiscanbemanuallyswitchedonandoff,or ...,2023年6月19日—深色模式是使用者的個人化設定,可讓他們表達喜好設定,無論應用程式是否支援深色或淺色模式中的設定。,DownloadNightModeforWindowsforfree.To...


Automatically switches between the dark and light theme of Windows 10 and Windows 11 - AutoDarkMode/Windows-Auto-Night-Mode.

Night Light feature in Windows 10

Windows 10 has a Night Light setting which gently reduces the monitors blue-tones, giving the screen a warmer look. This can be manually switched on and off, or ...


2023年6月19日 — 深色模式是使用者的個人化設定,可讓他們表達喜好設定,無論應用程式是否支援深色或淺色模式中的設定。

Night Mode for Windows download

Download Night Mode for Windows for free. Tool to help dimming screen on Microsoft Windows systems. This program is designed for people who like dark ...

在Windows 中設定顯示器于夜間使用

若要排程夜間光線使其自動開啟:選取[ >設定] > [系統]> [顯示器]>[夜間光線設定]。 如果連結上方的夜間光線切換開關呈灰色,您可能需要更新顯示器驅動程式。 ... 在[排程] 下方,將[排程夜間光線] 切換為[開啟]。 然後,選取[ 日落到日出],或選取[ 設定時數],然後輸入夜間光線開啟和關閉的自訂時間。

Windows 10 Night Light feature

Windows 10 Night Light is a blue light filter that makes your display use warmer colors at night to help reduce eyestrain.

How to Enable Dark Mode in Windows 10

To enable dark mode, navigate to Settings > Personalization > Colors, then open the Choose your color drop-down menu and pick Dark. Dark (and Light) mode ...